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Classes are starting back!

Katrina Lucas

Happy Monday folks, are you feeling upbeat and motivated? I have to say come Monday I'm never feeling this excited, if I’m honest I’m always glad when Monday is over. However recently you guys have been emailing and asking for classes. So, towards the end of last week i made the decision that yes I’m going to go for it, hence todays excitement!

As always I’m going to just have one silver clay class a month and one beaded jewellery class. These classes will be limited to only two people due to social distancing. Hand sanitizer will be provided at the door and I will wear a face shield. There will be at least a week in between each class and if the weather allows, I will have the big glass door open, allowing the sounds of the birds tweeting and the bees buzzing!

I feel really excited about opening up the classes again, I know it will be a smaller group, but it is a start and another little movement towards normality. If you have a group larger than two that is from the same household that would like to attend, then that is fine also. I will be starting up my one to one classes too, so if this is for you then just drop me an email so we can have a chat and organise it.

Also it's so close to September now and the kids are going back to school, this is when I start looking around for a course or two to do myself, may it be in an area of jewellery making I haven't tried before or a totally new skill. I suspect I’m not the only one that feels this way come the start of the September term, so I think I’ve picked a great time to start back.

If you would like to be the first to hear of any offers that i have then why not sign up to my newsletter which is out every Wednesday (you can unsubscribe at any time if it’s not for you). Follow me on IG to see behind the scenes photographs of my daily progress.

That’s all for this week folks. Click on the link below if you want to book a class now.

Stay safe and have a great week.

Katrina xx



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